Friday, January 25, 2008

Favorite Kid Quotes of the Week

In the car after a day at the bowling alley...

me: Tayvn, tell Uncle Josh which monster truck won the other day.
Tayvn: El Torro Loco
me: That's the one that looks like a bull, right?
Tayvn: What's a bull?
Uncle Josh: a boy cow with big horns
Tayvn: Then how did we go bulling today?

Same car ride different kid...

Roc: I am fireworks.
Dad: You are fireworks?
Roc: No, I'm trying to get fireworks.
me: You are trying to get fireworks?
Roc: No, I'm trying to get fireworks.
me: Right, you're trying to get fireworks.
Roc: No. I'm trying to get fireworks.
Dad: You want to set off fireworks?
Roc: Yea!
Dad: You want to light them?
Roc: Yea!!


Hethyr and Jon said...

Those quotes are hysterical! Roc is so SPECIAL!!! ;)

Hethyr and Jon said...

Here is another funny kid interaction for you:

Chris: "Wilder, why are you covered in cow shit?"
Wilder: "Because I was playing in it!"
Chris: "I think we need a sandbox."