Tuesday, January 22, 2008


Sorry this blog was not updated by the 15th as promised. It turns out getting a motherboard for my old computer is more expensive than buying a new computer altogether. So, we are taking our time looking for a new one and considering switching to a Mac. Please post a comment if you have any suggestions or comments about this.

The good news is that I got a new camera for Christmas that I am so excited about. Once I have a new computer, I will be posting some of the pictures I have been taking to improve my photography skills. Hopefully, you will find some of them enjoyable.

The other good news is that a local restaurant is interested in selling my aprons, so I am busy getting the inventory ready. This means that my Etsy shop will probably not be updated for a while, but considering the sales, I don't think it will be an issue.

Thank you to those of you that continue to read this blog! I hope it will become more interesting when I am able to update it regularly.

1 comment:

Hethyr and Jon said...

Woo Hoo! Which restaurant is going to sell your aprons? :)